Another JS Framework
I started working on Sweet.js about a month ago. It is inspired by Backbone.js. Sweet.js supports HTML5 states, so that you don’t have to go through work arounds like these. Sweet.js is not a MVC framework, but it has a views similar to Backbone.js, which supports inheritance without affecting events and initializations of super classes. And it’s written in Coffeescript.
Router #
class Router extends Sweet.Router
@routes #You can add more routes from sub classes
'': 'home'
'search/:what': 'results'
home: ->
results: (what) ->
console.log @getState() #state
router = new Router()
router.start pushState: true
#Emulate browser back button
#Whether we can go back without leaving the web app
Views #
A generic form class.
class Form extends Sweet.View
'click .cancel': 'cancel'
'click .submit': 'submit'
@initialize (options) ->
@model = options.model
cancel: (e) ->
A registration form class.
class RegistrationForm extends Sweet.View
#Register new events without affecting events registered in Form class
'click .checkUsername': checkUsername
#Both initialization functions (Form, RegistrationForm) will be called.
@initialize (options) ->
@userType = options.userType
submit: (e) ->
#Submit form
checkUsername: (e) ->
#Check availability
This is a very basic library and it will not suit you if you are looking for a MVC. I’m using this in some of my projects, so I will be maintaining it.
I’m planning to remove the dependency on jQuery and use vanilla javascript.